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Partner schools

Through our partner schools programme, we have a high school officer based in 36 high schools across Manchester and beyond, supporting the development of young people alongside their school education.

Manchester United Foundation works with partner high schools in areas of the highest social deprivation, including across Greater Manchester and in outreach areas of Carlisle, Derbyshire, Derry/Londonderry and London.

In each of our partner high schools, pupils are engaged, inspired and empowered to gain a better start in life and to make more positive life choices. This work is supported by the placement of a full-time Manchester United Foundation high school officer being based in every single one of our partner high schools, from Monday to Friday during school term-times.

Delivery staff help students to succeed with interventions which vary from school to school, but can include some of the following: mentoring; wellbeing programmes; qualifications and skills programmes; work and volunteering opportunities, and matchday enrichment.

View a list of all of our partner high schools by clicking here.