How to leave a gift to Manchester United Foundation
Our charitable status means that Manchester United Foundation pays no tax on the gifts it receives, including bequests. It may also offer you an opportunity to reduce the tax due on your estate, with which a financial advisor or solicitor may be able to assist you further.
Click here to download suggested wordings for UK residents.
We would be pleased to answer, in confidence, any questions that you might have. In all cases we strongly recommend that wording is carefully reviewed by you and your legal adviser in the overall context of your Will or Codicil.
If you are considering including a gift in your Will to Manchester United Foundation, we would be grateful if you could inform us of your intentions so that we have the opportunity to discuss the details of your gift with you. This would ensure that we fully understand your wishes and that any specific bequest you propose is feasible. This information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
If you would like more information about leaving a gift in your Will to Manchester United Foundation, please contact us by emailing or fill in the form below and we'll be in touch.
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